Monday, July 22, 2013

Sad Attempt at Poetry

The enemy has arrived
Horrifying, mysterious, inescapable,
Oh why did he choose me?
No weakness in sight
He crushes me slowly
And terrifies my soul
More than death itself

The Void

No hands
No feet
No arms
No legs
No face
He teases me with anonymity
And is too clever
Oh too fucking clever
To expose himself

The Void

Nothing but empty space,
As I finally flick off the lights;
For sleep is an  inconvenient need,
But I let the darkness creep in,
And he loves it.

The Void

Just sleep
Just sleep,
I tell myself.
But I can't;
My enemy surrounds me.
I reach out for my love.
I hug tightly
And kiss passionately
But she's not there
And I roll back in grief

The Void

Stalemated for months,
We are,
As I refuse to break,
But he dodges my every blow.
He's getting to my head.
I become a monster
To all who come to me,
For they cannot defeat him

The Void

He circles around me.
I must hide,
Must stay away from all
Who I know.
I can't let them see me
As I fight with mad desperation.
Screams and twitches
Do no harm to him.

The Void.

Oh how he teases me!
Here she is
At long last.
But I know she hates me.
Inside I stay.
Go ahead,
You fucking bastard,
finish what you started
And kill my dreams
So my life can die
But my body can live on.
He doesn't, though.

The Void

But what am I doing?
My cold enemy
Is not my friend.
Spend time with HIM?
My life awaits outside.
The pain becomes inevitable
But courage defeats caution
As I approach
For I know she can destroy
No, not him,
Don't give it an identity.
It's an it

The Void.

Smiles greet me,
But the skeptic inside me remains,
Questioning motives,
Waiting for revelation.
And I still feel it there.

The Void.

But she listens
As I tell her it's not true,
The words of hate which she had been told,
I tell her they are not true.
But my tenderness ends,
As I run out of soft words,
And she returns,
It seems,
To not caring,
And my enemy licks its lips

The Void.

In she comes,
And for her attention I still compete,
And seem to lose,
To her friend
For just a moment.
I fear it will be isolated,
But soon enough,
We are one.
My arms,
Ever lonely,
Finally hold her again,
And our heads rest together,
As that fucker screams in pain
For it nears its demise.

It has grown too small,
Too weak
To bother me further.
It cannot stop
Even my gentlest whisper,
As I softly pass on
Three short words,
And they float into her ear,
And she turns with a smile.

But she goes to leave.
No! I can't fight this again.

One last chance.
Arms wrap themselves
Around my sweet love.
Eyes meet,
And suddenly,
The good is inevitable.
Victory has come.

The void is gone.
I am immortal,
Immune to all evil,
And I feel alive again
As I lift her up,
Perfection in my grasp,
And our lips meet.

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